Destiny 2: Players are doing everything for a stone just to own the most unusual ship

Who, In destiny 2 poses the courage of eternity up and down, probably farms the strangest and most unusual ship in the game with the name Universal Passenger. The flying space scenes looks like a paraceauit nut and the desire of the players to own it is just coming.

DESTINY-2 player is currently receiving access to all sorts of cosmetic treasures on the 30-year bungee activity from the 30-year bungee package. FURS Treasury in eternity is full of it.

You can earn equipment and equipment for all three classes There is a Sparrow treasure chest for call 16 and 5 treasure wrenches Also a spirit shell treasure chest for call 16 and 3 treasure wrenches

In the heaviest chest then hides the strange and unusual exotic jump ship Universal passenger with the flair of an asteroid.

Players must steadily increase their strange fallen rank at the mysterious dealer OUR and more and more treasure wrenches, if they want to have all the treasures from the chests or focused on a reward.

How to get universal passenger ?: The Prose of Eternity are accessible to all players free of charge during the 30 years bungee anniversary. In order to be able to open the box with the ship, it needs stranger fallen Rang 16 at OUR and additionally 7 treasure wrenches.

This means that many passes must be completed in the 6-player activity Pauses of Eternity. Both normal and legend will receive +75 points progress. Successive degrees also give you a strand bonus.

Incidentally, FURS Ruhr ang system works just like that of Lord Shape in the crucible or Commander Naval at the Vanguard. Your lees point with the completion of the activities. For strange fallen Rang 16 she needs 9,000 points. As soon as you reach 10,000 points, so call rank 17, you can reset.

The drive effect makes the space look perfect: The ship has a suitable effect in Hyperspace. It pulls a dazzling comet slip behind the flight and landing. This uniqueness is also what the players are fascinated in this unusual flight object so fascinated and forgot the grind.

This is the most beautiful ship I've seen in my life, I have to have it as soon as possible!

Posts the player Goshagrim on Reddit

The Exotic Weapon That Only One Player Owns - Destiny Is that maybe FURS jump ship? In the same thread on Reddit, the players have asked if that may be FURS jump ship. So he travels every Friday to the Destiny Universe? It would at least be a possibility that is not completely excluded.

Do you think it is FURS jump ship? How do you like the curious and at the same time unusual ship? Do you take the grind on you and yield it? Or do you perhaps other treasures in the focus that interest you more during the 30th anniversary? For example, the exotic rocket launcher Gjallarhorn?


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