10,000 frigates distributed to create chaos on EVE Online

Exploration Character 10 - T2 Cov Ops Frigates (EVE Online)

Stay Frosty and Band Apart, the organizers of the frigate free 4 ALL event set the appointment on March 19, from 16h Eve Time. All stakeholders by chaotic fight can go to the Ouelletta system, where the vessels will be distributed for about six hours. The battle without purpose if it is multiple explosions will take place in a low security system, so involving exposing on the way to other players. If the idea is to focus on frigates for quick combat and at a lower cost, other players will disrupt the event without respecting the setpoint, generating even more chaosStay Frosty and Band Apart, the organizers of the frigate free 4 ALL event set the appointment on March 19, from 16h Eve Time. All stakeholders by chaotic fight can go to the Ouelletta system, where the vessels will be distributed for about six hours. The battle without purpose if it is multiple explosions will take place in a low security system, so involving exposing on the way to other players. If the idea is to focus on frigates for quick combat and at a lower cost, other players will disrupt the event without respecting the setpoint, generating even more chaos.


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